What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback, or neurotherapy, is a form of biofeedback. Biofeedback is a way of recording, gathering and sending data about the body back to the client. Neurofeedback strengthens our neural pathways and tracks and changes our brain’s metabolism. This is performed via qEEG, quantitative electroencephalogram, so that your brain waves can be recorded. The brain waves we record are delta, theta, alpha, and beta. Each of us always has a certain amount of these brainwaves present at any given time, however, if you suffer from an excess or a lack of certain brainwaves, you begin to experience symptoms congruent with mental health disorders such as difficulty focusing or paying attention, fatigue/drowsiness, brain fogginess, impulse problems, memory problems or hyperactivity, to name a few.
Common mental health disorders that we see in neurofeedback training: Anxiety, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with or without hyperactivity, Autism Spectrum, Attachment Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression to include medication-resistant depression, Insomnia, Mood disorders, Trauma based disorders, Substance Abuse and more.
Aside from mental health diagnoses, some other reasons for seeking neurofeedback training are: obtaining peak performance, improving concentration, enhanced creativity, reduction in extraneous movement, increasing self-confidence, better overall executive functioning, and increased cognition and learning for all academic levels or ages, to include the elderly. Athletes, artists, executives, and entrepreneurs may all significantly benefit from neurofeedback training.
The Process:
The client will participate in an initial comprehensive qEEG evaluation also called brain mapping. We then provide the client with the results and identify the best training protocol.
The client will start neurofeedback training using the protocol developed from the qEEG.
Each neurofeedback session takes approximately 50 - 60 minutes, this includes setting up the equipment and applying and removing the sensors conducting the training.
Some clients will notice changes after the first few sessions.
A consistent schedule is important with sessions scheduled two or more times a week for 20 - 40 sessions or more to prevent relapse.

The Latest in Quality Equipment
Brainmaster discovery 24
Quantitative Electroencephalogram
Brain Avatar for 2D, 3D, 4D brain imaging
sLORETA: Standardized Low-resolution Brain Electromagnetic Tomography
LENs: Low Energy Neurofeedback
ISF: Infra-Slow Neurofeedback